I’ve been eager to have Rosemary Addis on the show for a long time not only because she’s founded some pioneering organisations in the social impact space, but also, because she combines passion with eloquence in the way she communicates, and in the way she tackles, the many challenges and the opportunities for solving social issues, with financial capital.

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On this episode…
Rosemary has her finger on the pulse of trends and development in the world of impact investing. She helped us understand the key challenges, where the most gains are being made, but also, where Australia fits in the global effort.
My key takeaway this week…
“What is the future we dare to dream? And how can we get there?”
Good Future’s Good Books
Jim Collins
It’s a short but punchy book. It’s important for anyone who wants to have an impact.
Down and out in Paris and London
George Orwell
This is more of a fiction read, but it’s an important reminder to all of us that we could have a very different life through a combination of poor decisions and bad luck.
It keeps it real for me in terms of humility and compassion for other people.
- Impact Investing Australia
- Leapfrog
- Goodstart Early Learning
- UNDP – SDG Impact
- Foundations of Impact Investing – Melbourne University – Ben Neville
- Centre for Social Impact
- Melbourne Uni Short Course
- Oxford Said Business School – Impact Investment Program
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