I’m at a turning point in my career, and in order to find answers to the big questions, I need to ask the smartest people… so I’m starting a podcast.

I’ve worked in all sorts of roles, from economics to writing, government policy to reporting the news. I’ve worked full-time, part-time, freelance and I even started a company.

But after studying a masters in international relations and international law (and interning at the UN) I discovered impact investing, and I was hooked.

I uncovered a nascent corner of the financial world that, at last, was recognising the importance of factoring social impact into the worth of a company. It rewarded entrepreneurs who were finding solutions to climate change, driving growth in poor countries and opening up-neglected markets.

But most importantly their accounting systems were measuring not only profits, but also the social and environmental impacts of a new breed of companies.

My podcast is called Good Future.

It’s aspirational, inspirational and it’s very practical. I’ll tease out the stories of the leaders and trend-setters who have shifted their careers towards sustainable business and a greener economy.

I’ll ask big questions of pioneers in the fields of impact investing, social enterprise and sustainable development. I want to know about the changing economy, but also about the changing way we work.

(You can sign-up for an alert when we go live, click here)

There’s a shift happening, can you feel it?

Ever since the GFC we’ve heard talk of the ‘new-economy’, more-and-more people are working in the ‘gig-economy’ and there’s plenty of money being made in the ‘green-economy’. Are these just buzz-words, or is there a fundamental shift happening in the way we do business?

I see change; I see it in millennials wanting to work towards a purpose rather than just a raise, I see it in the world’s biggest asset manager demanding companies make a positive contribution to society, and in the private sector’s hunger to help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

Here’s what I want to know, so you can too:

  • Will the desire of millennials to drive ‘purpose’ reshape our economy?
  • Can impact investing find scale and go mainstream?
  • How can the private sector finance the SDGs?
  • Are corporations now held to a higher standard than ever before?
  • In the future, will all companies be motivated to report their impact, both good and bad?
  • Is neo-liberal economics dead?

It’ll be deep and it’ll be challenging, but it’ll also be a whole lot of fun.

This article should stand as a mission statement, but the subject matter’s not set in stone. The focus will shift as more voices are brought to the debate.

What do you want to know about? Are there any particular people you think I should interview? Or specific questions? Shoot me an email.

To make sure you don’t miss the launch of the podcast, click this link and I’ll send you a message when we’re live.

And… we’re on Instagram, check it out! 

The podcast will launch BEFORE this year’s Impact Investing Summit in Sydney, November 7-9. So that’s my deadline and I’d love you all to hold me to account!

Please do hassle me about progress, and come along on this big, scary, exciting journey with me.

Stay tuned.